Anticompetitive Conduct and Agreements

Inquiries into anticompetitive behaviour can raise a large variety of different, sometimes quite complex economic questions.

We have experience in investigations regarding potentially anticompetitive agreements such as cartels, information exchange and vertical agreements as well as abuse of dominance investigations in different industries.

How we can help

If you are under investigation for an infringement of competition law such as an agreement (for example a price-fixing cartel) or for abusing a dominant position or are affected by such conduct by another firm, we can help build your case using well-founded industrial organisation theory and econometric modelling.

You might, for example, be asked to provide evidence for, or would like to question

  • the duration and product or geographic scope of the agreement

  • whether the parties to the agreement operate in the same market

  • whether the undertaking is dominant

  • the effect of the alleged agreement or conduct on trade.

In some situations relatively simple economic reasoning and empirical analysis will be most telling while in others state-of-the-art modelling will be required. We always strive to use the right tool for your case.

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